The Rich History of Novinger Coal Mines and Miners

This information can be found a the Adair County Historical Society,


CHARLEY GASPERI'S MINE PAY LIST and  Blacksmith Coal Company's Mines No. 2 and 3 

These mines were all located in the general Novinger area and is only a partial listing of the miners who worked in the area, as there were 53 recorded mines around Novinger. As far as we know, there are no other records remaining from other years or mines.  If you know of old records, let Gary Lloyd know:  If you know your ancestor was a miner in Adair County email me: and I will add their name(s) to this list. * indicates added.

Billy Creek Coal Co., last shaft mine in Adair County closed Jan. 14, 1966.


Below is a list of 854 Adair County, Missouri coal mine employees from
1924-1966. This originated from payroll records maintained by Charley
Gasperi in his office at Novinger.

This information was provided on computer disk by Gilbert Fallini, of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, in March 2001. Gilbert obtained it from his father, Harry

Thank you Mrs. Hightower, the Novinger Missouri Coal Mine Museum and Gary G. Lloyd who Alphabetized and formatted this list.

Avory Abbott
J.J. Abenathy
A.J. Acherman
David Adams
Fred C. Adams
Phillip Adams
Anthony Airale
George Aitken
John Aitken
John Albrcotti
Chas. A. Allen
Dominic Amidei
Fred Anders
Emanuel Anesi
John Anesi
Mike Anesi
Paul Asher
Sam Atchley
Paul Avi
O.E. Bacus
Celeste Baiotto
Joe Baiotto
Joe (Big Joe) Baiotto
Marion Baiotto
R.R. Baiotto
Robert Baiotto
William Baiotto
Arthur Ballanger
Chas. Ballinger
Major Sam Banning
Virgil E. Banning
O.G. Barb
C.L. Barger
Clarence E. Barnhill
Frank Barnhill
M. Baugher
E.H. Bean
Howard Bean
Leslie Bean
Bert Bell
Claud Billington
Floyd Billington
Geo. F. Billington
Murl Billington
Louie Binding
F. Bischof
L.D. Bishoff
Clifford Blacksmith
Edward Francis Blacksmith
Emmet Blacksmith
Fred Blacksmith
Gerald Blacksmith
Harold Blacksmith
J.A. Blacksmith
J.F. Blacksmith
J.F. "Jack" Blacksmith
Jack F. Blacksmith
James Blacksmith
James "Checker" Blacksmith
Jim Blacksmith
Jim "Tucker" Blacksmith
Joe Blacksmith, Jr.
Joe Blacksmith, Sr.
Tony Blacksmith
Kazer Blaskovich
Edgar Blurton
Albert Boen
Clyde R. Booth
Jack Booth
James Booth
Albert Lewis Bowen
Vern Bozarth
Winnie Bozarth
Claude Bragg
Wm. Earl Brammer
Ezra Brandenburg
Lee Brandenburg
John Brazovich
Carl Bretz
Chas. Bretz
Claude Briddle
Elmer Briddle
Glenn Briddle
Homer Elmer Briddle
Fred Brocaille
Barney Broseghini
Frank Broseghini
Joe Broseghini
John Broseghini
Ferrol Brown
Gene Brown
Pete Brozovich
George D. Brunbaugh
Albert Burris
Clifford Burris
George Burris
L.A. Burris
Francis Byrn
Joe Cadrobbi
Louie Cadrobbi
James Edward Campbell
John Campbell
Clarence Capps
Rudolf Capps
Cecil Carnagey
Cecil Carter
Roy Casey
Roy Richard Casey
Elick Cash
Johnnie Cash
Jack Cassady
Joe Cassady
John Cassady
Virgil E. Cassady
Chas. Childers
Curtis L. Childers
Andrew Chitwood
Bacil Chrisman
Cecil Chrisman
Earl Wm. Chrisman
Jim Cima
Joe Cima
John Cima
Leonard Cima
Pete Cima
Tom Cima
Bernard Clark
Claud Clark
Lee P. Clay
Virgil Ed Clay
Paul Claybrook
Ben F. Clevenger
Earl Clevenger
Robert Clevenger
Chas. Clifton
Luther Clifton
Francis John Cogley
Loyd Colton
Murl Colton
Ed Cooley
Lester Cooley
Archie Cooper
Francis Emmett Corrigan
Lawrence Cory
Lloyd L. Cory
Willard Cory
Louis Courty
Leon G. Coy
Lyle Craig
Roy Craig
Herbert Cross
Martin Cross
Joe Cuculich
John Cuculich
Louis Cuculich
Tony Cuculich
Bobby Daniels
Cory Daniels
Glenn Daniels
Herbert A. Daniels
Ivan Daniels
John V. Daniels
Johnnie Daniels
Lon L. Daniels
W.F. Daniels
A.E. Dare
Chas. Darr
Frank Joe Darr
Geo. Darr
Willie Darr
Henry Daubrease
Lonnie Davidson
Donald Davis
L.E. Davis
Lawrence Davis
Ralph Davis
Roy Hubert Davis
Arthur F. DeCamp
A. Decamps
Donovan Decker
Douglas Leroy Decker
Harvey Decker
Lester Decker
Richard Deerfield
Sam Denny
Audrey Dixon
Geo. W. Dixon
Guy W. Dixon

Harold A. Dixon
Lewis A. Dixon
Norman Dean Dixon
Pearl M. Dixon
Sam Dixon
Vernon Leo Dixon
Robt. Dolan
John Dorman
Melvin Jim Downe
Raymond Downen
Robert Downen
W.C. Drakes
James Dunkle
Sylvia J. Dupree
Bobbie Durham
Vanciles Durham
Thomas Edgar
Abner Ellsworth
Aldo Ellsworth
Ezra Ellsworth
Ezra Junior Ellsworth
Herbert Ellsworth
Hollis Ellsworth
Lee Ellsworth
Leslie Ellsworth
W.C. Ellsworth
Alva Elsea
Lloyd C. Elsea
Parry Elsea
Tom Elsea
Clarence Epperson
Oscar Paul Erikson
Joe Eskra
L. Eskra
Matt Eskra
Jr. Evans
Junior Evans
Leslie Evans
Virgil Evans
Harvey Ewing
Jamee H. Ewing
Noah Ewing
Virgil Ewing
Wm. Ewing
Chas. Fallini
Harry Fallini
Harve Farr
Roy Farr
Harry Lee Farrand
Robert Fast
Cleo Fiedler
Fred Fielder, Jr.
Fred Fiedler, Sr.
Wm. Fiedler
W.T. Figgrus
A.E. Fleshman
Dennis Fleshman
E.E. Fleshman
Emile Eugene Fleshman
Lewis Fleshman
Cyrus Floyd
David A. Floyd
Hershel Floyd
James Floyd
N.E. Floyd
Noal Ed Floyd
Virgil W. Floyd
W.R. Floyd
Chas. Formento
Jim Forte
Elmer Fusselman
Frank Galyen
R. Galyen
Walter G. Gansen
Grover James Garrett
Larken Garrett
Batt. Gasperi
Chas. Gasperi
Clement Gasperi
E. Gasperi
Jim Gates
Ora Gates
Modesto Gay
Arlo John Gentry
A.C. George
Domine Georgetti
Frank Getto
Ervie Giachino
John Giachino
John Gilkison
Wm. Gilkison
Gerald Gill
John Charles Giovannini
Delbert Glaspie
Jim Glaspie
Lyle Glaspie
Leon Goodwin
Aly Goring
Dave Goring
James Gorkie
Eldon Mike Goucher
George T. Goucher
Kelsie Goucher
Perry Graham, Jr.
Francis Green
Warner Green
Henry P. Gregory
Frank Grgurich
Jack Grgurich
Joe Grgurich
Arnold Griffith
Sylvester Griffith
Wm. Griffith
Henry M Grissom, Jr.
Steve Grubrich
Melvin Guffey
Virgil Edgar Guffey
Leland Guy
Loyd Guy
Milton Guy
Floran Hall
Herchel E. Hall
Joe Hall
Gurnie Halleway
Marion Halleway
Carl Halley
Tom Hally
Eldon Hamilton
Alva Hammons
Adam Perry Hanlin
Chas. Hanlin
Jim Hanlin
Wm. Tom Hanlin
Delbert Hapes
Orval W. Harrelson
B. Harring
Herbert Harring
John R. Harris
Luther Harris
Bernie Hatfield
D.E. Hatfield
Everett Hatfield
Geo. D Hatfield
E.E. Heaberlin
Okel H. Helton
Geo. V. Hiatt
Harold Hill
Lee Hill
Robert Lee Hill
Cecil Richard Hills
Clarence C. Hills
Ernest F. Hills
Floyd Lyle Hills
James O. Hills
John Wm. Hills
Osa Hills
Lafe B. Hocker
Tom W. Hodge
Callie Hopper
Ace Horrell
J.M. Horton
Geo. W. Hover
Ralph Nelson Hover
Finley Hudson
Carl Hughs
John Hughs
R.S. Humason
Wm. Livi Humason
Glen C. Hurley
Martin Hurworth
Alex Hutchison
John Ioriatti
Clarence Ishmael
Geo. Jackson
Joe (Big Joe) Jackson
Joe Jackson
John Jackson, Jr.
John Jackson, Sr.
Johnnie Jackson
Oscar Arthur Jackson
Oscar Smith Jackson
Wm. Jackson
Leo. Jacques
Dean Johnson
Ellis Johnson
Emery Johnson
Glen Johnson
Marcellus Johnson
Morris Johnson
Paul Johnson
Robert E. Johnson
G. Raymond Jones
Glen H. Jones
Grover Wilson Jones
J. Sam Jones
Johnnie Jones
Kenneth Jones
Marion D. Jones
Robert L. Jones
Ross Jones
Sterling Jones
wife Grace Kriner
* Ernest Jones b.1892
* Noah Jones b.1866 d.1965
wife: Mary Alma Cloren
(father of Sterling & Ernest)
Jake Julius
Joe Kauzlarich
John Kauzlarich
Vance Kauzlarich
R.J. Kelly
Haden Kelso
A.R. Kepart
A.R. Kepart, Jr.
Alex Kepart
Jimmie Kepart
John Kepart
Edward Kitral
Lem Kittsmiller
Fred Kob
Paul Kob
Ernie Kriner
John Kruljac
Marion Kruljac
Richard Lambert
Glen Laske
Henry Laske
E.E. Lawrence
Ernest Lawrence
Jasper Dean Lawrence
Emery Lawson
Claude Lay
Harlan H. Lay
Levis Lay
Raymond Lay
Clarence Lee Ledford
Clive Ledford
George Lee
Harry Lee
Earl Leininger
Melvin Leininger
Howard P. Leonard
Archie Lewis
John Lindsey
Oscar H. Linker
R.H. Linker
Geo. Henry Liverman
George Liverman
Herschel H. Liverman
Wm. Llewellyn
Elvin D. Lloyd
John Lonberger
Robert Lonberger
Willie Lonberger
Wm. Lonberger
Willie B. Longston
Oscar Lucas
Joe Luksitich
A. Mabis
George Mabis
Sarafino A. Maddalozzo
James Madden
James Madden
Arthur L. Maggart
Jesse Maize
Alex Mandini
Frank Marks
Hubert Martin
Leo Martin
Paul T. Martin
Wilbur Martin
Bert Mason, Jr.
Bert Mason, Sr.
Ben Matheney
Johnson Matheney
R. Mathews
Dwane Matthew
Edward E. May
Ervin May
Irvin May
Jesse Harrison May
Rhoudy May
Rodney V. May
Victor D. May
Bernard McCabe
James McCabe
Frank Lavern McCarty
Elmer McClintick
Roy McClintick
Lloyd McFarland
Hezekiah McGee
Jim McGuigan
Alva P. McKeehan
Fay Leroy McKeehan
Floyd McKim
Frank McKim
James McKim
James Albert McKim
Richard Lee McKim
Rodney McKim
Otis C. McVay
H.D. Mellinger
E. Nelson Miller
Floyd Miller
George D. Miller
Hubert Miller
J. Miller
Ora Miller
H.D. Millingar
Cleo Mills
Lester J. Minic
Charles R. Mitchell
Cleo Moore
Earl Moore
Henry Moots
Henry Moots
Robert Moots
Beth Morris
Chas. E. Morris
Tom Morris, Jr.
Tom Morris, Sr.
Harry Mosley
Ray Mosley
Russell Mosley
Grover Charles Moxley
L.A. Moxley
Kenneth Moyer
Floran Muir
Caleb B. Mulanix
Arkes Munn
Gary Murphy
Pay Murphy
Ross Carlton Myers
Harvey Neff
John Neff
Herman Netterfield
John Newcomer
Andrew Nimmo
Tom Nimmo
Wm. A. Nimmo
Tom Nizzi
E.K. (Pat) Noe
Paul L. Noe
Archie Novinger
Floyd Novinger
Marion Novinger
Ray Dean Novinger
Matt Joseph O'Donnell
August Ollier
Frances Orek
John Orek
Tony Orek
Pearl Osborn
Sidney Osborn
Wayne Osborn
Ernest Osman
E.E. Owings
Chas. W. Paris
Edgar D. Paris
Geo. W. Paris
Albert Payton
Chas. Payton
R.G. Payton
Dent Pearce
James Pearce
Wm. Pearce
Kenny Peavler
Dom Pengrazio
Chas. Peterson
Jacko Petrokis
Alfred Pickett
Harold H. Pickett
C.H. Pierce
H.A. Pierson
Harry Pierson
Owen Pierson
W.J. Pierson
John Piker
Phillip Sheridan Pinkerton
Seaman Curtis Pipes
Henry Pointer
John Pointer
Barney Pope
C.W. Pope
Mike Pope
Westat Pope
Joe Poshek
Jack Paul Potter
James Povlovich
Joe Povlovich
Louis Povlovich
Bill Preston
Martin Preston
Hugh Randal
Chas. Ray
Emmet Ray
Emmett Ray
Leland Ray
Opal Ray
Floyd Reed
Glen W. Smith Reed
Marvin Reed
Archie Reese
Ervin Reese
Forrest Reese
Harold E. Reynolds
Joe Rezek
Bobby O. Rice
O.K. Rice
Virgil Rice
Lawrence Wm. Richards
James Richmond
Kenneth Richmond
Ellis L. Riley
James P. Riley
Earl Albert Roan
A.R. Robb
E.J. Robb
Gabe Robb
Jefferson Jeff Robb
Kenneth Robb
Harry N. Roberts
Vern M. Robison
Pete Roncaglione
Battista Ronchetto
Joe Ronchetto
Joe S. Ronchetto
Joe V. (Moon) Ronchetto
Matt Ronchetto
Tony Ronchetto
Lewis F. Roop
Elmer Rouse
Harvey K. Rouse
Ivan Rouse
Orville Rouse
Wm. Rouse
Jim Rovetto
Maggio Rovetto
Mike Ruddy
Thomas Ruddy
Erick D. Rush
M.C. Rusk
Wm. Rusk
Ernest Salaskie
John Salaskie
Edwin Salsberry
Albert Sandretto
James Sandretto
Chas. A. Sandstrom
Claud A. Sandstrom
Darwin Sandstrom
Lee Sandstrom
Raphel L. Sandstrom
Bernard Santerelli
Joe Santerelli
Louis Saregaroli
Harley Schofield
Vernie Schofield
Ora Scobee
Albert Scott
Francis Scott
Hershel Sevits
Demner Sexton
Charlie Shafer
E.L. Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
Leonard Shoemaker
Oren Shoemaker
Oren Willard Shoemaker
Frank Sholley
Glen Harrison Sholley
Sam Sholley
Virgil Sholley
Francis Shoop
Frank J. Shoop
Lloyd Shoop
Marvin Shoop
Cyrus Shott
Henry Shott
Hiram Shott
Marion Shott
B.G. Sighel
Ralph Simler
Roy Simler
Roy Simler
Orville Singleton
Robert Singleton
Alfred Sizemore
Arthur Sizemore
Carl Slover
Gerald Slover
Ira Slover
Albert Smith
Donald Smith
George Smith
George Smith
Kenneth Smith
Archie Snow
E.B. Snow
Elijah Snow
Hershel Snow
L. Snow
Larry Snow
Wm. Snow
Carrol L. Snyder
Harry Snyder
Walter Snyder
Wm. Soloman
Albert Speaks
Albert Speaks
Fred Speaks
Gail Speaks
Guy Marion Speaks
Ed Stage
Augustine Stanek
John Stanek
Stanley Stanek
Harry Stanley
Richard Stanley
Russell Stanley
Willard Stanley
Gilbert Stein
Cecil Sterling
Robt. Sterling
David Stewart
Frank Stewart
Harold J. Stewart
Pete Stewart
Robert Stewart
Russell Stewart
Tom Stewart
Wm. Stewart
Frank Stiglich
A.R. Stiles
Cecil Paris Stiles
Lewis Stiles
Truman Ira Stiles
Chas. Stone
Chas. Stone
Fred Stone
Fred E. Stone
George Strait
Stanley Strait
Cecil V. Sttolie
Albert Sullivan
Ed. Sullivan
Howard Sullivan
Martin Sullivan
Byron Summers
William Summers
Frank Swanson
Romaine Swanson
E.L. Swisher
E. Ludwig Swisher
Henry Swisher
John Tallman
Arthur Tate
John Tate
Wm. Taylor
Joey Thevel
Leo Thevel
Vic Thevel
Hanry Thompson
Price Thompson
Pearl Thorington
George S. Titzer
J Batt. Transano
Gerald True
Wm. True
Alva Truitt
Clarence Truitt
Clarence Dudley Truitt
Dannie E. Truitt
George Truitt
Gerald W. Truitt
Harrison Truitt
Herbert Truitt
Jessie Allen Truitt
LeRoy Truitt
Lyle Truitt
Mina Truitt
Ora Samuel Truitt
Orien A. Truitt
Virgil Truitt
John Vacca
Sarafino Vacca
Geo. Van Hentensyck
Irvin Vanhoose
Joe Ed Vanhoose
Junior Vanhoose
Geo. Vanlaningham
Stanley Vaughn
Ellwood N. Vaul
Earl Veach
Dave Vlahovich
Joe Vlahovich
Stanley Vlahovich
Frank Vukonich
George Vukonich
Bill Wade
John Waggoner
Donald C. Walker
Bernard Wallace
Chas. Wallace
Harold Wallace
Coheen Walters
Dental E. Walters
Edger Walters
Floyd Walters
John Walters
Lloyd Walters
Luther Walters
Bill Warwick
James Warwick
Tom Warwick
Patrick Welch
Chas. R. West
David Wharton
Geo. Kenneth Wharton
John Whitfield
Chas. Whitlock
Robert C. Whitlock
Harold Whitman
Ernest Whittom
Howard Whittom
Bin Wilde
Albert Lee Williams
Andrew Williams
Bernard Williams
Buel Williams
Delbert Williams
Donald L. Williams
Eskie Williams
Fred Giles Williams
Geo. W. Williams
Harold Williams
John F. Williams
Johnnie Williams
L. Williams
Millard Williams
Perry T. Williams
Richard Williams
Roy Williams
Rubin Williams
Tommy Williams
Wilbur Williams
Cletus Wilson
Everett Wilson
Orlan Wilson
Raymond Wilson
B.E. Wimber
Floyd Wimber
Frank Wimber
Frank Wimber
W.F. Wimber
Lee Wise
Lowell Woods
Isem Worthington
J.W. Wyatt
John Wyatt
Joie Wyatt
Wm. Wyatt
Kenneth Yadon
Frank Yauk
George Yauk
Steve Yauk
Chas. Young
Donnie Zeigler
Earl Zeigler
James Zeigler
This list of employees for the Blacksmith Coal Company's Mines No. 2 and 3 was from Harry Fallini's pay records that dated from the early 1940s to the early 1960s. It was provided on computer disk by Gilbert Fallini, son of Harry Fallini. Formatted by Gary G. Lloyd

Miners List is From the Following Mines:
Baiotto Coal Co., Inc. Floyd Coal Co., Partnership
Baiotto Coal Co., Partnership K.C. Midland Coal Co., Inc.
Billy Creek Coal Co., Inc. No. Eight Coal Co., Inc.
Blacksmith Coal Co., Inc. No. Eight Coal Co., Partnership
Blacksmith Coal Co., Partnership Riverside Coal Co., Inc.
Corrigan Coal Co., Inc. Rose Hill Coal Co., Inc.
Corrigan Coal Co., Partnership Simler Bluff Producers Ass'n.

Coal Miner, Job held
Domenic Amidei, Coal Loader
Sam Atchley, Coal Loader
Joe Baiotto, Coal loader
George Billington
James (Sport) Blacksmith, Coal Loader
James (Chekervest) Blacksmith, Mine Machine Operator
Joe Blacksmith, Part Owner Scale Man
Joe (Beaner) Blacksmith, Scaleman
Ed Blacksmith, Switch and, Track Layer
James (Tucker) Blacksmith, Track layer and Timberman
Cager Lee Brandenberg, Coal Loader
Glenn Briddle, Coal Loader
Joe Broseghini, Mining Machine Operator
Leonard Cima, Mining Machine Helper
Earl Clevenger, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Lawrence Cory, Coal Loader
Lloyd Cory, Mining Machine Operator
Roy Craig, Track Layer and Timberman
Martin Cross, Mule Driver
Joe Cuculich, Coal Loader
Ivan Daniels, Coal Driller Helper
Douglas Decker, Hoisting Engineer Operator
Lester Decker, Track Layer and Timberman
Bob Downing, Coal Loader
Jim Downing, Coal Loader
Raymond Downing, Coal Loader
Leslie Ellsworth, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Harry Fallini, Part Owner Superintendent
& Mine Supervisor
Charles Fermento, Coal Loader
Abe (Shorty) Fortas, Mining Machine Helper
Charley Gasperi, Part Owner Accountant
Delbert Glaspie, Coal Loader
Kelsie Goucher, Hoisting Engineer
Sylvester Griffith, Part Owner & Mine Foreman
Floyd Hills, Coal Loader
Nelson Hover, Coal loader

Arthur Jackson, Coal Loader
Glen Johnson, Coal Loader
Pearl Leonard, Tipple workman
Bert Mason, Coal Loader
Albert McKim, Coal Loader
Larry McKim, Coal Loader
Richard McKim, Coal Loader
Doodle McKim, Mining Machine Helper
Frank McKim, Mining Machine Helper
Rodney McKim, Mining Machine Helper
Floyd Miller, Coal Loader
Hubert Miller, Coal Loader
Pete Miller, Coal Loader
John Newcomer, Coal Loader
Paul Noe, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Marion Novinger, Coal Loader
Dean Novinger, Mining Machine Helper
Pearl Osborn, Mule Driver
Edgar Paris, Coal Loader
Bill Pearce, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Dent Pearce, Mule Driver
Tom Phillips, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Mike Pope, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Charles Ray, Coal Loader
Halley Ray, Coal Loader
Vern Robison, Mule Driver
Ivan Rouse, Tipple workman
Eric Rush, Loader
Ed Salsberry, Utility Man & Machine Operator
Albert Sandretto, Mining Machine Helper
Charlie Sandstrom, Mining Machine Operator
Francis Scott, Coal Loader
Marion Shoop, Coal Loader
Frank Shoop, Mining Machine Helper
Marvin Shoop, Mining Machine Operator
Roy Simler, Tipple Workman
E.B. Snow, Coal Loader
Ike Snow, Coal Loader
Lige Snow, Coal Loader
Ralph Snow, Mine Locomotive Operative
Lavern Snyder, Coal Loader
Walter Snyder, Coal Loader
Lyle Truitt, Coal Loader
Virgil Truitt, Coal Loader
Mina Truitt, Track Layer and Timberman
Dave Vlahovich, Coal Loader
Charles West, Night Shift, Utility
Johnny Williams, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Ruben Williams, Coal Driller and Shot Fireman
Fred Williams, Mining Machine Helper
Tommy Williams, Mining Machine Helper
Roy Williams, Part Owner & Mining Locomotive Operator
Eskie Williams, Track Layer and Timberman
Joe Wyatt, Coal Loader
J.W. Wyatt, Timberman



This information can be found a the Adair County Historical Society,