From The Mayor’s Desk


April 2018

Greetings from the City of Novinger! We're looking forward to Spring weather finally arriving! We hope and pray each of you have had a great new year! Now it is time to "Spring into action!"

The city will soon begin repairs to our roads and drainage systems. Bids have been submitted for road materials to be delivered and we are ready to go!

Please be patient as we make these improvements and try to keep vehicles off of public streets so that work can be completed. The city does have a ordinance in place which requires residents to have off road parking, simply put, not effecting traffic flow!

As Spring arrives typically one of our biggest issues is with loose animals during the Spring, Summer and Fall. Let it be known the City is securing locations to deal with loose animals and "nuisance" or neglected animals. The City has had an animal ordinance for decades. Simply, your animals are not allowed to roam the streets at the distress of your neighbors. Further, when you provide proof of immunization for rabies the City will provide a free tag for your animal. Our desire is not to "deal with" your pet who has simply gotten loose from their proper location. An ID tag helps us to return your pet to you.

CRITICAL- if anyone witnesses an animal attack of any kind, please call 911. The City has been working with the Adair County Sheriff's Department and National Humane Society to deal with these issues. We feel that having animals on your property also brings responsibility. If we see or have reported to us neglected animals it will be reported to the appropriate authorities. No animal should be denied food, water and shelter.

Soon the City ordinances will be on the City website for ease of viewing. Property Maintenance, Animal Care & Restrictions and Mobile Home Ordinances as well as others will soon be posted on the City website at You may address any questions to the Novinger Board of Alderman and myself at monthly meetings.

Our goal is to provide a safe, quiet and peaceful community for all the residences of Novinger.

As I write this post tonight I'm happy to say our city voters just passed a "continued" tax levy which helps us maintain our roads and general revenue fund. The measure passed with a voter approval rating of 86%. Further, on this night the residents of Novinger had the highest voter turn out of any community and/or county in our reported area! Thank You!!

We are currently seeking new businesses to locate here. We are strategically located between two of the area's top employers located at Kirksville and Milan. As we all know who live here, Kirksville is also undergoing a retail business boom. It's good news!! Opportunities here in the City of Novinger for residential housing, apartment structures, duplexes and other dwellings are wide open. Please contact us if you are looking for properties or homes for development!

Finally, over the last 5 years the city and private property owners have removed over 32 dilapidated/nuisance residential properties as well as 8 commercial buildings. This has been accomplished through grants, city and private funding. Now we must move forward, the city is currently involved in legal actions to clean up additional properties. It's a process none of us actually want to do, but it is necessary for the good of the community as a whole.  Let's work together. If you need help ask, if you ask sincerely, help may be given. With help, responsibility then lies on you the property owner to maintain your property as a good neighbor. Again, our goal is to provide a safe, quiet and peaceful community for all the residences of Novinger.

As I close I want to remind each of us to work together. If you see something suspicious report it to the sheriff's office. If you see a crime taking place call 911. If you see an elderly widow lady trying to get her groceries in the house while it's raining, help her. If you see a child hurt, help them. This is community, this is what makes us best, it's who we are, let's build together.

Mayor Jeff Dodson


October 2017

Greetings from the City of Novinger. We hope you are enjoying the Fall activities which are upon us!

Here at the City of Novinger we are busy revising and enforcing city ordinances. While our demolition grant is complete much work is left to do. The city committed to the state CDBG grant writers we would continue to remove and prevent blighted and dangerous buildings and structures. This is a long and painful process which benefits the community as a whole.

Second, the city has recently revised city ordinances pertaining to trash, rubbish and waste on any given property.  The ordinance is Bill #2017, Ordinance #02

Third, the city has revised and updated its mobile or modular home ordinance. It is Bill #2017, Ordinance 01. Anyone considering the construction site of a modular home should first read this ordinance. Permanent foundations are now required on all permanent dwellings to be constructed. You may review these new ordinances as well as frequently asked questions at the under the tab "City Hall".

Recently some concern had been made about odor issues with the city wastewater treatment facility. The city received a spot inspection by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The city passed this inspection with flying colors. We were in full compliance with all DNR regulations. The odor issue is partly to blame due to drought conditions this summer and fall. The city has not discharged from its system in over 4 months. Hopefully normal rainfall will resume and Fall, and Winter temperatures will lessen the situation.

Please continue to check the cities website and facebook page for area updates, events and directory information. By Golly, there is even a section on the website for all your favorite outdoor activities including maps and directions! Also, there is extensive Novinger History on the page as well!

In closing we would like to thank the residents of Novinger for working with us to improve our city. Together we can have a safe & peaceful place to live and raise our families. May your Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons be full of Blessings!

Building Together, We Are Better,

Mayor Jeff Dodson


April 2017

Greetings from the City of Novinger!

Spring is in the air and already many new projects have started or have been completed! Those of us who live here locally are enjoying seeing the fruits of many different kinds of labor. The Spring and Summer of 2017 will be filled with various projects around our town.

In the month of March the city officially closed out it’s Community Development Block Grant for the demolition of dilapidated/unrepairable properties. A total of 28 properties were included in this 4 year long endeavor. To put this in perspective a community must have at least 10 applicants to apply for a CDBG grant of this type. During the demolition process the city oversaw the removal of 25 residential structures, mobile homes, garages and 3 commercial buildings! We have been told by state and local officials we have completed one of the largest demo projects in the state for a community of our size! We would like to thank the staff at Northeast Regional Planning for their assistants throughout this project.

The city will continue with efforts to remove blighted/abandoned properties from our community. Unfortunately some applicants were simply to late to participate in this voluntary program. Others chose not to participate at all. In applying for this grant the city agreed with terms to the state to make continued efforts to make our community a safe, desirable place to live. So, we press on. It is a great feeling when folks from outside our community visit here and say things like, “Wow, you guys have really been working hard to clean up your town”! To that we say thank you, and we’re not done yet!

Next, we’re pleased to inform everyone the city has hired part time additional experienced staff for road repair and storm drainage maintenance. Work on our roads will continue throughout this year. Please realize there are going to be some inconveniences that go along with this work. The city has purchased a easily assessable property with highway frontage to off load road materials and storm drainage tubes.

More good news, here in just the last few weeks the city has come to realize that 4 full time Adair County Deputies will be living within our city limits! We welcome every chance we have to make our community a safe, quiet and desirable place to live.  Providing law enforcement in a small town has become increasingly difficult due to education and salary requirements mandated by the state. We are thankful we have a good working relationship with the Sheriff’s department and other local agencies.

In January the city received notification our water rates were increasing again. In response the city council approved a very modest increase to the majority of our citizens. It should be noted we are having to take a much stricter policy towards water leaks. Please do not ignore unnecessary water usage. With increased regulations coming down through the EPA and Missouri Department of Natural Resources,  it will become imperative the city is able to account for all of it’s water usage. We have been very fortunate this winter, we have had very few water leaks in our system. The city is now able to conduct audits of our own system comparing water purchased through Adair Rural Water to receipts of our local customers month by month. We promise our city residents we will do everything we can to hold down the cost to our citizens.

Along with that we are facing in the next few years several maintenance issues with our water and waste water systems. Unfortunately, many of these issues are not generated locally. We have no control of mandates established through regulatory agencies, mainly the EPA. Regardless of how we feel about these issues we are forced to comply. In our own state we feel we have a good working relationship with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. We have hired highly qualified and credentialed staff to maintain these systems.

As we continue to make small but deliberate steps to make our city a great place to raise a family, start a small business or retire and enjoy knowing our neighbors in a small town atmosphere, people are taking notice. Recently, I became aware of a home that soon may be for rent. I had 4 inquires myself in one week end. Hardly a week goes by that we don’t have someone looking for a place to live. If you have a place you might like to rent or sell be sure to let us know! The work that is behind us has set us up for the future, it’s time. Steady growth helps our school system, infrastructure, community organizations and churches as well as developing pride in our community. It’s time, why not Novinger?

In closing I encourage folks, think back 10 years ago. Count our victories, not our hindrances. Together, we’re making a difference. Some old things have passed away, and  in their place we create the new. Why not Novinger?

Mayor Jeff Dodson

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